Sunday 4 March 2012

Golf: The Only Sport That Doesn't Seem to Discriminate

     Lucky for me, golf seems to be the only sport that you can continue to play while pregnant that doesn't get much negative media exposure. Above are LPGA players Ursula Wikstrom (left) who is seven months pregnant and Pat Hurst (right) who is seven and a half months pregnant. Ursula happens to be playing in Dubai at that time, in which she finished that round with a +2. Not too shabby I would say considering the temperatures were reaching a scorching 110 degrees.
     Below is Ashley Crain, 26, from Toronto. She teed off and finished the Toronto Star Women's Amateur Golf Tournament at eight and a half months pregnant. She attributes her current success, for example her second place finish at the Michigan Mid-Amateur Tournament, to her expecting baby girl. She has commented that the changes she had to make to her putting style to accommodate her 'bump' has actually made her putting sharper.

     I am looking forward to my adventures both on and off the course. Unfortunately, I do not make money playing golf, so while we are preparing for this little bundle of joy, my golf game will have to take the back burner to employment opportunities.

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